Your original laser machine quotation will outline information on the computer specification which is required for your laser machine. Operator user manual for laser software version 5.
The simplified design of the software includes a sizing tool making the process of preparing photos for laser engraving even easier.For laser machines with an RD Controller and LightBurn software, please click here for the relevant support page.
Updated materials listing provides automatic settings for typical materials used in the photo engraving process. A huge list of makes and models of lasers feature specific settings for each. Standard image types can be opened by PhotoGrav 3. If you don't have PhotoGrav, it has never been easier to achieve professional photo engraving results. Prices and offers are subject to change.Ĭancel OK. Online prices generally match our catalogs, but may vary. JPPlus offers multiple financing options to help you get the equipment you need. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.